Plugin Alliance release AMEK EQ 250

Monday, August 22, 2022

Plugin Alliance release AMEK EQ 250

Plugin Alliance have released AMEK EQ 250 stereo equaliser plug-in. Developed by AMEK and Brainworx using their own modelling techniques, the AMEK EQ 250 is based on one of the first parametric equalisers available, the Sontec MEP 250ex EQ.

The plug-in features five overlapping bands which each offer 12dB of cut or boost, and each channel is equipped with continuously variable high and low-pass filters with a 12dB/octave slope. A Gain Scale control provides a global control over the factor by which each EQ band’s gain is adjusted, the control ranges from 50% (half the amount of gain) through to 200% (double the amount). An Invert parameter allows all five bands to be inverted, turning cuts into boosts and vice versa. The AMEK EQ 250 also provides an Auto Listen function, which when engaged will solo frequency bands when their corresponding Frequency or Q controls are clicked.

In addition to replicating the functionality of the original analogue device, the AMEK EQ 250 adds some features that were not available with the hardware units, increasing the plug-in’s versatility in the modern studio environment. Mid-side processing has been introduced as an alternative to left/right operation, a Mono Maker control allows low frequencies to be summed to mono, offering a range of 20Hz to 2kHz. There is also a Stereo Width control ranging from (0 to 400%) for widening effects, and a THD control to introduce harmonic distortion.


Plugin Alliance release AMEK EQ 250


A toolbar along the top of the GUI gives users access to Undo and Redo functions, which are able to work for 32 steps, making it easy to experiment with sounds and then return to previous settings. Each preset is also capable of storing four settings, which can then be changed between through the use of A/B/C/D buttons, as well as providing a way to audition different settings, the buttons can also be automated, allowing for different settings across various song sections with the same instance of the plug-in.

The plug-in is available in the AAX DSP, AAX Native, AU, VST2 and VST3 formats. Windows 8 up to Windows 11 operating systems are supported, as well as macOS 10.11 to macOS 12. With the exception of AAX, the plug-in natively supports Apple Silicon.


AMEK 250 EQ is available now, and is currently priced at $179.99.

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