Tracktion Waveform Free updated

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Tracktion Waveform Free updated

Tracktion have released a major update for Waveform Free, the award-winning free version of their Waveform DAW software. Based on the essential features of Waveform Pro, the free version of the software simply offers a reduced feature-set with no timeouts or any restrictions on track count, exports, third-party plug-in use or saving ability.

The 2022 version of the software is equipped with an entirely new browser offering tags, favourites and smart lists, with the same look and feel as Waveform Pro 12. There are now 15 audio effects and six utility plug-ins, including a mono conversion tool and spectrum analyser which have been added in response to user requests. The inclusion of a dedicated Actions Panel allows users to ”favourite” their most used actions and create custom actions which can then be recalled with the click of a button.

Check out the launch video below for an overview of the features on offer with Wavefrom Free.


The software is compatible with PCs running Windows 8, Windows 10 or Windows 11, Apple computers (both Intel and Apple Silicon models) running macOS 10.11 and higher, and has also been tested on Linux systems on Ubuntu 18.04.


Waveform Free is available to download now from the Tracktion website.

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