Standby button in the sound mixer

Standby button in the sound mixer

Standby button on the Dynacord mixer

Mixers usually have a standby button in addition to the on / off button. This button is actually the mixer standby mode. Turn off all input and output signals when this button is on.

In fact, it appears that you have mutated all the lines of the device. It goes without saying that, as I explained in the previous sections, this button has no effect on "TrackIn" and "Digital Audio Interface".

"Digital audio interface" means the same as USB input. This button is usually present in professional analog mixers and is present in all digital mixers, physically or not physically. So don't look for it in regular analog mixers.

The presence of this button in digital mixers, in addition to blocking inputs and outputs, limits the activity of the CPU. In digital mixers; When the mixer is turned on but you are not using it, processing is done normally.

For example, all mixer inputs are checked at all times, or processes may be running on the mixer's RAM and CPU due to the effect of the active device effect. You will cancel all these activities by setting the mixer to Standby mode.

As far as I can remember, this button is not available in software mixers because most of these mixers rely on the operating system itself, which will perform the standby operation much better than the software.

You may want to know the differences between analog and digital mixers.

The point here is that if you are a beginner or want to use a mixer recently, look for Standby first. You can make changes to the sound and be surprised to find that there is no sound coming out of the mixer outputs.

In this case, it could be one of the reasons the Standby button is active, so be sure to check it so it doesn't go black when you continue working with the mixer.

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